Monday, June 29, 2009

History of Lottery 2.

It was not until the late 16th century that the English first began to offer lotteries, the first recorded British lottery being chartered by Queen Elizabeth I in 1566 and not drawn until 1569. The lottery was chartered to raise funds for the " reparation of the havens and strength of the Realme, and towardes such other publique good workes". However this lottery was very different from those previously implemented as each ticket holder won a prize and the total of the value of the prizes given equaled the amount of money raised, thereby making the money raised by the lottery more or less a loan to the government over the 3 years that tickets were sold.

After this first initial lottery, the government sold the rights to sell lottery tickets to brokers who in turn hired agents and runners to sell them to the public, thus creating the forerunner of the modern day stockbroker. Government- run lotteries were managed this way until 1826 when Parliament declared the final lottery. During the period before that however many private lotteries were also held, including one to raise money for The Virginia Company of London to support the settlement in Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America.

Nowadays when we have internet there are many other games being as much popular as lottery like online bingo or online keno.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

History of Lottery 1.

Throughout much of recorded history lotteries have been used as a means to raise funding for public works and continue to be utilized as such today.

The presence of lottery games can be traced all the way back to as early as between 205 and 187 B.C. during the Han Dynasty in what is now China. It is believed that the game Keno, a lottery-like game that is still currently played in modern day casinos, originated at the time. It is thought that even back then lotteries were used to finance government projects, including one of the most famous, the Great Wall of China.

References to lotteries and "drawing lots" have been found in many ancient texts from numerous civilizations from Ancient China, to the Celtic Era, to Ancient Greece in Homer's The Iliad . The first known European lottery occurred during the Roman Empire. At first these lotteries were usually done simply as amusement at dinner parties for the nobility, however during the reign of Augustus Caesar there are records of the sale of tickets for a lottery in order to raise funds for repairs to the City of Rome. However winners were given prizes in the form of articles of disparate value.

It wasn't until 1434 that the earliest public lottery went on record - in the Dutch town of Sluis. And it wasn't until at least a decade later that the first lotteries with prizes in the form of money began to appear in numerous towns in Flanders (present day Belgium, Holland, and France). These first lotteries with monetary prizes were held to raise money to aid the poor and fund fortifications of the towns. These lotteries were hailed as a less painful form of taxation and were quite popular amongst the people. In fact, the English word lottery is derived from the Dutch word loterij which stems from the Dutch noun lot meaning "fate".

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Earn cash playing free bingo games at Posh Bingo

From BingoStreet:

With unemployment in the UK currently at a dismal 12-year high, more and more people are struggling to make ends meet. This is where free bingo games come to the rescue, giving you not only a great excuse to play your fave online bingo games, but also a chance to win some real cash in the process.

At least can pay the internet ;)

One of the best bingo sites where you can play non-stop free online bingo games is Posh Bingo. This recently revamped online bingo site gives away a whopping £40,000 in cash jackpots every month - and that’s just on its free bingo games! You can find the two dedicated free bingo rooms as soon as you login, play in both at the same time and maximise your winning chances!

Wondering what are those chances basicly?

If you get lucky on the free online bingo games at Posh Bingo, you’ve got enough dosh to buy tickets for the money games and even juicier online bingo jackpots await you! Coming up this Friday for instance is the weekly £1,000,000 coverall jackpot online bingo game at Posh Bingo, your chance to win a million pounds in just a few minutes of playing bingo online!

What would you guys do with that much money? I've never met anyone who win the jackpot anywhere... May be they never make it public :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Online Games

The online gaming community is an extremely popular area for those who experience a true rush when playing video games. In addition to this, many individuals have discovered that there are numerous social advantages to participating in online gaming communities. Businesses have made millions of dollars by sponsoring this online gaming community. There are many online gaming types. In this article, you will receive an introduction to them.

The first type of gaming that you can engage in on a virtual playground is that which is considered to be action and/or adventure games. With these types of games, you can find games that offer various types of situations where you must implement the use of various strategies to succeed, games that allow you to fight against computer generated characters, as well as real players from around the world. It is quite common for games of this type in online gaming communities to have a story line in which you are seeking an end resolution to.

The second type of game that is common to online gaming communities is that of standard card games. There are many different types of card games that you can choose from when playing online. These games may include many popular selections of poker, spades, and more! To date, engaging in online card games remains one of the most popular choices in the online gaming community.

The third most popular type of game that is available in online gaming communities are arcade style games. Everyone loves arcade games! This is especially true of the online gamers who spent a lot of time in video arcades in the 80s. There are many arcade games that continue to remain popular in the online gaming community. These games include Pac Man, Q-Bert, and various others.

There are many individuals in online gaming communities that enjoy participating in board games online. There are many board games, such as Life, and Monopoly that can be played online. Many families can participate in these board games. This makes the online gaming community a great place for the families who still implement the popular "game night" in their homes!

Casino type games are another type of game that remains popular in online gaming communities. Players can actually place virtual or real bets, play against other individuals around the world, and sharpen their gambling skills. Furthermore, players can play popular casino games such as roulette, poker, bingo, keno, slots, and more!

Strategy or role-playing games are very popular in the online gaming community. Games such as those offered by Lucas Arts Entertainment are among the most played. Neopets, Wolrd of WarCraft, and numerous others generate millions of dollars each year by players that participate.

As you can see, there are many types of games that are offered in online gaming communities. Each person that has an interest in games is able to select a type of game that they will enjoy. There are many online gaming communities that are free. Some online gaming communities require players register and subscribe to the features of the community.